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What is the Working Principle of Plastic Welding Machine?

What is the Working Principle of Plastic Welding Machine?

What is the working principle of the plastic welding machine? The plastic welding machine is now widely used by different manufacturers in various industries. Therefore there are many pipe welding machine suppliers that offer different plastic welding machines, now, let get into hydraulic welding machine and know more about it.

1. Working principle of ultrasonic plastic welding machine

The principle of ultrasonic welding is to convert 50/60 Hz current into 15, 20, 30 or 40 kHz electric energy through an ultrasonic generator. The converted high-frequency electric energy is again converted into mechanical motion of the same frequency through the transducer, and then the mechanical motion is transmitted to the welding head through a set of amplitude modulator devices that can change the amplitude. The welding head transfers the received vibration energy to the joint of the workpiece to be welded. In this area, the vibration energy is converted into heat energy through friction to melt the plastic. Ultrasound can be used not only to weld hard thermoplastics, but also to process fabrics and films. The main components of an ultrasonic welding system include ultrasonic generator, transducer/amplitude modulator/welding head triple group, mold and frame.

2. Working principle of rotary friction plastic welding machine

Rotary friction plastic pipe welders for sale are generally used to weld two round thermoplastic plastic workpieces. During welding, one workpiece is fixed on the bottom mold, and the other workpiece rotates on the surface of the fixed workpiece. Because there is a certain pressure acting on the two workpieces, the heat generated by the friction between the workpieces can melt the contact surface of the two workpieces and form a forbidden and airtight combination. Among them, the positioning spin melting is rotating at a set time and instantly stops at the set position, becoming a permanent fusion.

3. Working principle of laser plastic welding machine

The working principle of the laser welding machine widely used by hdpe pipe welding company is to make light/laser rays pass through one plastic part and irradiate the surface of another plastic part (ie the welding surface); the welding surface is heated and melted after fully absorbing the beam energy; at this time, apply an adjustable clamping force to the pieces to make them tightly joined together. Compared with other existing plastic welding processes, the advantage of the laser welding process is that the light/laser rays can heat and weld the entire welding surface at the same time, and the welding effect is more significant.

4. Working principle of hot plate welding machine

The hot plate welding machine mainly uses a temperature-controlled heating plate to weld plastic parts. During welding, the heating plate is placed between the two plastic parts. When the workpiece is close to the heating plate, the plastic starts to melt. After a pre-set heating time has passed, the plastic on the surface of the workpiece will reach a certain degree of melting. At this time, the workpiece is separated to two sides, the heating plate is removed, and then the two workpieces are merged together. When reaching a certain welding time and a certain welding depth, the entire welding process is completed.

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